Ray Optics 1 – Students Set


338,00 €

An excellent and essential set for practical exercises. Contains 12 pcs of optical models, a 3-beam light source including an external battery box, 7 worksheets, a set of RGB filters and an optical boat.

More details

An excellent essential set for practical exercises. The set enables students to understand basic ray optics principles – transmission, reflection, refraction. Students can construct simple optical devices using worksheets. The worksheet “human eye” helps to understand the importance of glasses. The set has been designed to be table-top used. All elements are non-magnetic. A manual with experiments is included. The set is packed in a plastic case.

This set is very effective for a clear understanding of the following optical principles: transmission of the light through the convex (concave) lens, transmission effect of an optical prism, reflection on the planar (convex, concave) mirror, refraction of the light, index of refraction values and others. The set also demonstrates the function of healthy, short-sighted and far-sighted vision and the correction of these aberrations by glasses. Furthermore, the set demonstrates the function of both, Galileo and Kepler telescopes, as well as photo cameras, etc. The demonstration of absolute reflection in the optical fiber is interesting and easy to demonstrate as well.

The Ray Optics – Students Set consists of:

  • Optical models (12 pcs) - 8 various lenses, 3 types of mirrors, model of optical fiber
  • 3-beam Laser Ray Box Electronic with external battery box
  • Working sheets (7pcs) for very simple and quick preparation of exercises.
  • Set of RGB filters
  • 3 pcs of an optical boat
  • Instructions for experiments

The worksheets in the box:

A - Model of the human eye

B - Photo camera

C - Galileo telescope

D - Kepler telescope

E - Refraction and reflection demonstration sheet

X - Significat rays - convex

Y - Significant rays - concave

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